Among the many healing stories is the story of the call of Peter. It is powerful
for us because we see the very human moment of Peter’s self-doubt: he realizes the
power of Jesus, falls down in an awareness of his own sinfulness and wants Jesus to
turn away from him because he is too sinful.
All of us can have moments of feeling we are unworthy - and the truth is that
we can never be worthy of the unending love Jesus offers us. But how blessed we are
if we realize that we are loved without limits even thought we have done nothing to
deserve that kind of love.
Knowing in a balanced humility that we are sinful is not a bad thing - but if
we get stuck there, and are tempted to turn away from Jesus as Peter did, then we have
become more focused on ourselves than on the love we are being offered.
Each morning as we awake, we can ask the Lord to open our hearts in gratitude
for what we will be offered this day. We might pause to imagine ourselves being healed
and touched by Jesus. For just a moment, we might see Jesus in front of us, His eyes
filled with such love.
Throughout the day we can remember that gentle touch from Jesus and ask
Him to continue to drive out any of those unclean spirits we may be carrying today.
What is Jesus calling me to? Who am I being invited to listen to and speak on behalf
of today? Who will come across my path today that needs Jesus’ healing through my
own care and kind words?
Dearest Jesus, be with me in this day. I can feel how much I long for a deeper
connection with You, and yet I am ashamed of my weaknesses. Touch my heart so that I
might be open to Your healing love. Let me be open to all of those You put in my life today
and let me be aware of their needs and care for them before I worry about my own. Give
me an awareness of the love that is already there for me and a generosity of heart that allows
me to share it with others. Amen.
-Taken from the University Ministry at Creighton.