About Us

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On April 25, 1793, the Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas was established. In 2006, forty-nine dioceses have been formed from The Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas, including the Diocese of New Orleans, which was raised to the rank of Archdiocese in 1850. In 1860 the Archdiocese of New Orleans assigned them a missionary priest, Father John Scollard, to Amite just two years after John Coleman donated land in Amite for a Catholic Church. Father Scollard celebrated the first Mass in Amite that same year in a two-room home. Eight years later, in 1868, the church parish of St. Helena was created and the first church and rectory were completed.

Missionary priests from the Archdiocese of New Orleans staffed the church until September of 1890, when the Benedictines were assigned to care for St. Helena's twenty families. On April 24, 1908, 1908, Father Felix Rumpf, O.S.B was killed and the church building destroyed by a tornado. Later that year, the first parish fair was held to raise funds for the building of a new church. By 1910, the new church was completed.
In July of 1912, the Spanish Dominicans were assigned to care for St. Helena church. They remained until April of 1938, at which time the American Dominicans were assigned to St. Helena. The second church building was destroyed on April 6, 1940 by another tornado, which also destroyed the church hall and damaged the rectory. Weekend Mass was celebrated at the local movie theater and daily mass was celebrated at the rectory until the third church could be completed and dedicated on September 14, 1941.

The American Dominicans remained at St. Helena until July of 1991, when the Diocese of Baton Rouge (created in 1961) assumed the care of St. Helena. Father Fred Youngs was the first diocesan priest to serve here, remaining until July of 1995, when Father Jack Nutter replaced him. Father Jack served until June of 2005, Father Joe Camilleri served until July of 2011, and Father Mark Beard served until his death in August of 2023. During Fr. Mark's time at St. Helena he asked Retired Priest, Fr. Howard Adkins to reside in Priest home and assist him with the Sacraments.  Fr. Miles still resides in Priest Home and assist as needed.  Fr. Miles Walsh served as Pastor from August 2023-June 2024.  Beginning July 1, 2024 Father Reuben Dykes will serve as Pastor and Father Emilio Gomez will serve as Parochial Vicar.



St. Helen, also known as St. Helena (d. 327 A.D.) was a woman of humble means from Asia Minor. She married the future Roman Emperor Constantius Chlorus, and their son Constantine was born c. 272. Constantius divorced Helen in c. 293 to marry Emperor Maximian's daughter for the sake of political gain. When her son Constantine became the Roman Emperor, St. Helen was given the imperial title "Augusta" and was treated like royalty. After Constantine legalized Christianity across the Roman Empire, St. Helen, a Christian convert, went to the Holy Land in search of the actual cross on which Christ was crucified, despite being in her 80s. She questioned local Christians and Jews and learned that the cross was buried under the Temple of Venus. Helen had the temple demolished and excavated. There she discovered the Holy Sepulcher, three crosses, the board with Pilate's inscription, and the nails wich pierced Jesus's Sacred Body. In order to determine which cross was the Lord's, the Bishop of Jerusalem touched them to a corpse, causing the man to come back to life. A second miraculous healing of a sick woman confirmed the discovery of the True Cross. St. Helen then visited all the holy places of Jesus's life and built many churches over their locations, including Bethlehem, the Mount of Olives, and the Garden of Gethsemane. St. Helen is the patron of divorced people, empresses, difficult marriages, converts, and archeologists. Her feast day is August 18th.

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St. Helena Catholic Church
122 S. 1st. Street
Amite, LA, 70422

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NOTICE:  If you are receiving contribution envelopes but no longer use them please contact the Church Office so we may have you removed from the envelope list.  This in turn would be a savings for our Church Parish.

We, at St. Helena Catholic Church, are concerned with educating, directing, and sustaining all who visit. 

In particular those who draw near to the teachings and traditions of Holy Mother Church. 

We strive to achieve this by utilizing the Cardinal Virtues of Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude.