The Legend of the Donkey Cross - April 10, 2022

The Legend of the Donkey Cross
No matter what their color, almost all Miniature Donkeys share the distinctive mark of a cross that extends down their back and across their shoulders.  While genetics account for this coloration, poet Mary Singer has a more touching explanation:
The Donkey’s Cross
“Bring me a colt of a donkey,” was the Master’s request.
A young donkey was brought to Jesus to bring Him to Jerusalem.  A week later Jesus was ordered crucified.
The little donkey so loved the Lord that he wanted to help Him carry the cross. 
But alas, he was pushed away.
The sad little donkey waited to say goodbye until nearly all had left.
As he turned to leave, the shadow of the cross fell on his back and shoulders.
And there it has remained, a tribute to the loyalty and love of one of the humblest of God’s creatures.

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122 S. 1st. Street
Amite, LA, 70422

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In particular those who draw near to the teachings and traditions of Holy Mother Church. 

We strive to achieve this by utilizing the Cardinal Virtues of Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude.