A Text from our friends - March 20, 2022

A Text from our friends

[3/9, 5:21 AM] Barbara/Mobilni Vucic: I know you are still sleeping...please say thank you for anyone included in this....I dont have words to say something..Never ever did someone like this for me and my family. Im going now to pay bills. Then I go to buy food for me and my family. Then I have 2 more faimilies with children I want to buy food for whole month and clothes for children and winter shoes. Then I will give also for one family which lives in a rotten house. I will say it is from good people from St. Helena so they can pray for you all.That are my things first to do.

[3/9, 6:55 AM] Barbara/Mobilni Vucic: Just a big THANK YOU to all of you...I’m like walking in tears and people are staring at me but I dont mind... Tears of joy and thankfulness and hope and love.

[3/9, 7:00 AM] Barbara/Mobilni Vucic: Always when I come to this place there are 2 men, homeless....and they are always in cold or in heat they try to earn money here..I gave them now that they eat and money for tomorrow that they can buy something to eat. They are Catholic imigrants from Lebanon. A elder man and his son. I spoke to them. They fled because also in Lebanon the situation is very very bad. They will pray for you and me. Very nice people but heartbroken and homeless.

[3/9, 8:57 AM] Barbara/Mobilni Vucic: Yes MeSo of course I can take pictures of them...I think the wont mind...I already gave one family with children...now Im home...tomorrow I will go again and I will take pictures. There is also one women 76yr she lives alone. I will also go to her and buy her food. She is in Citluk. Also one friend of mine told me a family with children is in need that somebody pays their electricity bill, its about 250$. I asked my friend to contact the family so that they give him the bill so I can pay for them. They turned off the electricity for them.

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122 S. 1st. Street
Amite, LA, 70422

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In particular those who draw near to the teachings and traditions of Holy Mother Church. 

We strive to achieve this by utilizing the Cardinal Virtues of Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude.