Indulgences: God’s Gift and the Church’s Treasure - February 27, 2022

Indulgences: God’s Gift and the Church’s Treasure
Indulgence: The remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sin whose guilt has already been forgiven. A properly disposed member of the Christian faithful can obtain an indulgence under prescribed conditions through the help of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints. An indulgence is partial if it removes part of the temporal punishment due to sin, or pleary if it removes all punishment. CCC 1471

Usual Requirements for gaining Plenary Indulgences
1) Be in the state of grace by the completion of the indulgenced work
2) Be free of all attachment to sin
3) Receive Holy Communion that day or within a few days
4) Make a good Confession within 20 days (before or after)
5) Prayers for the Pope’s Intentions

Indulgences Available For Particular Feasts and Daily Pious Acts

 Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart
-Plenary for recitation of the “Most sweet Jesus, who overflowing charity…” prayer
-Partial for recitation on other days
Solemnity of Peter and Paul
-Plenary for using an item blessed by the Pope or a bishop
All Saints Day
-Plenary for 8 days

All Souls
-Plenary for visiting a church and praying for the faithful departed
Solemnity of Christ the King
-Plenary for recitation of the “Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer…” prayer
-Partial for recitation on other days
December 31
-Plenary for reciting the Te Deum
January 1st & Pentecost
-Plenary for singing the Veni Creator

Daily Prayers & Pious Actions
-plenary for spending a least a half hour before the Blessed Sacrament
-partial for making a short visit to the Blessed Sacrament
-partial for praying the Adoro te devote, O sacrum convivium, or Tantum ergo
-plenary for those who assist at the first Holy Communion of others
-partial for making a spiritual communion with an approved prayer
-partial for reciting the Anima Christi after Communion
-plenary available at the hour of death
-partial for a good examination of conscience before confession
-partial for reciting the Act of Contrition
-plenary for assisting at Adoration of the Cross on Good Friday
-plenary for making the Way of the Cross with approved stations
-partial for used an article of devotion blessed by a priest or deacon
-partial for spending time in mental prayer
-plenary for listening to preaching at a parish mission
-partial for being present for the preaching of the Word of God
-plenary for recitation of the Rosary with others or in a church
-partial for recitation of the Rosary alone
-partial for reciting the Magnificat
-partial for reciting the Angelus/Regina Caeli
-partial for reciting an approved Marian prayer (Memorare, Salve Regina, Sub tuum)
-partial for reciting the Angel of God prayer
-partial for reciting an approved prayer of St. Joseph
-partial for reciting a prayer honoring the saint of that day
-partial for reciting approved litanies, novenas, little offices
-partial for reciting an approved prayer for benefactors
-partial for reciting an approved prayer for the Holy Father
-partial for offering an approved prayer at the start or end of the day
-partial for offering a prayer before & after meals
-partial for offering an approved prayer starting & completing work
-plenary for assisting at the First Mass of a new priest
-partial for assisting at a jubilee Mass of a priest
-partial for renewing baptismal promises on the anniversary of their own baptism
-partial for renewing baptismal promises at the Easter Vigil
-partial for visiting a cemetery to pray for the dead
-partial for reading the Bible for half and hour
-plenary for visiting one of the four major basilicas
-plenary for visiting a parish church on it’s feast day
-plenary for visiting a church on the anniversary of its’ consecration
-partial for teaching or studying Christian Doctrine

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE TO ST. HELENA  Click on the Donate button below:

St. Helena Catholic Church
122 S. 1st. Street
Amite, LA, 70422

New Parishioner Form 

NOTICE:  If you are receiving contribution envelopes but no longer use them please contact the Church Office so we may have you removed from the envelope list.  This in turn would be a savings for our Church Parish.

We, at St. Helena Catholic Church, are concerned with educating, directing, and sustaining all who visit. 

In particular those who draw near to the teachings and traditions of Holy Mother Church. 

We strive to achieve this by utilizing the Cardinal Virtues of Justice, Prudence, Temperance and Fortitude.