Do you know me...?
My real name was “Reprobus”, and I was a gigantic Canaanite of fierce appearance. I was in the service of the king of my country, but I was overcome by a desire to serve the mightiest king in the world. I found a mighty king, but discovered that he was afraid of the devil; I then served the devil, but found he was afraid of Christ. One day, we were walking along together and came upon a cross, the devil fled; I questioned him and learned that one day a man named Christ had been nailed to a cross and that this sign terrified the devil. I realized, then, that I must search for Christ.
A hermit preached the gospel to me and suggested that I serve Christ through fasting and prayer, but I told him that would not do in my case. He then indicated to me a river, in which many people drowned as they tried to cross and suggested that I help travelers to cross. This, he said, would greatly please Jesus, so I became a ferryman.
One day, a child asked me to be taken across; I put the child on my shoulder and entered the water. The river became swollen and turbulent, and the child became heavier and heavier, until I feared for my life. When I reached the other bank, the child told me that I had carried on my shoulders not only the world, but its Creator. The child promised me a sign; my staff would put forth flowers and fruit.
Because I carried Christ, I am the patron of all who serve in transport and all travelers. I had myself baptized under the name of Christopher, “Christ-bearer”, in order to serve Christ.