Homily Interview with an Exorcist - November 13, 2022

Luke 21: 5-19           11-13-2022           (As built, Amite #520)

  1. Interview with an Exorcist…
  2. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and that of his mother tell me your name… I am Lucifer… I am the bright star… I am the angel of light… I’m the slander… I am also known as the deceiver or the tempter… the father of lies… I am the enemy and I am the evil one make no mistake about it… I am Satan… I am Beelzebub… I am Lucifer… when were you created… he said I was created on day one… that’s why the good Lord said let there be light… I am the angel of light… describe yourself Lucifer… he said well I am a spiritual being… I was not created in evil… I chose it… I am condemned for all eternity… I have no body… I am not inclined to sins of the flesh like lust and gluttony… but you are… and I use it on you… I noticed in art that you are depicted as being very grotesque and animalistic… is this true… lucifer responds absolutely… we are more deformed than others… we are animalistic… depending on how great you sinned and how far you fall into the fire the more animalistic you become… the greater you fall the greater the disfigurement… are all of you the same… no we all sin differently… we all were determined by different intensity… our root sin is pride… and all other sins come from that… we have our own phycology… some of us are talkative… some of us are mocking… some of us are proud… others are hatful… some demons are more hateful then others… is there a hierarchy in hell… yes there is… you had nine choirs of angels in heaven… and when they fell they fell hierarchically… the higher up the hierarchy the more evil and more subtle you are… the more disfigured you become... can superior demons have more influence on lesser demons… absolutely… we can actually prevent a lesser demon from leaving an exorcism… do you experience time like we do… no we only react… we always say before or after… that’s just so you know relative to you where we stand… do you operate in this world… very much so… I am the prince of this world… I control more than you think… as a matter of fact I can levitate things… I can move certain things but I can only do it if he allows it… our powers are limited… we cannot create only God can… what do you do with your time… we spend our time watching you… oh but we do… we can predict what you do with almost certainty… what do you think about all the time… we said we’re very intellectual… we hate you… we hate God even more… what language do you speak…we do not… we communicate internally by thought… where are the demons… he said we are everywhere… we are like swarms of bees… you can’t see us… we operate in a space because you see something move or levitate… or see a possessed person… that’s kind of how you know where we are located… but we are everywhere… we are not God that means we are everywhere in that we cover all space… but we can get there in a blink of an eye… do you know the future… no we do not… we do not know your free choice… however we’re far superior to you… we can predict what you will do… we observe you… we follow you… we watch you closely… can you preform a good act… no I cannot I have no compassion… I hate everyone… I hate God even more… do you experience pleasure… he said I do… just like you do when you get revenge on your enemy… it’s a pleasure but it’s filled with hate… why did you fall… I fell because I now had to worship a God that became human… imagine… I was created on day one… you were created on day six… and now I got to bend my knee before you… and if that’s not bad enough I now have to bend a knee before that woman… I refuse to call her by name… according to the exorcist when he demanded that he pray the Hail Mary… it took him forty-five minutes… because he refused to say the words hail Mary… he said tell me will you exist forever… in a certain sense I do… which sin is more powerful… he said pride and lust… can you cause a mental illness… yes but only if God allows it… can you cause nightmares… yes I can… but that Holy water goes longer then you think… It’s truly a detriment… can you read our thoughts… no I told you I’m not a shotgun artist… I’m a sniper… I wait… and I wait… and then I wait for the kill shot… that way I can get you… your spouse and your children… oh I’m good at what I do… can you influence society… oh it’s our greatest power… man I love tempting you to sin… we certainly do work together as demons… we actually strategize… we concentrate our efforts on you… and the entire society… we actually have divisive strategies… you know very well that there are certain individuals who have the ability to influence society… because of their wealth fame and fortune… we use the media… because of that it’s our most powerful tool… we target all of the elites… that’s right you heard it… we influence the media… we influence who you vote for… who influences your country… we target the elites… we are never neutral… if they’re never neutral then you and I can’t be… he says we analyze every situation… we focus our energies on political officials and candidates who are willingly or unwillingly in favor of our goals… yes we are well aware of prayer and what it can do…a simple prayer… the damage it causes… to our plans… to the media… yes we do fear it… especially when you pray to Her… can we be tempted beyond our strength…no… the problem is you don’t call out in prayer… do you have a plan when you are tempting us… yes I want to tempt you at your weakest point… when you least expect it… when you think you are pride and powerful and that things are going well… that’s when I get you… I know the probabilities of success… again I’m not a shotgun artist… I’m a sniper… according to the exorcist… tell me if there a demon for every person in the world… oh he said It's more than that… according to Padre Pio there are two demons in the world for every person that walked the earth… there’s enough demons in the world to block the sun… and yes to answer your question because I have to not because I want to… there are demons assigned to each and every individual… what temptations do you use… he said the same ones we get you with all the time… pride, anger, gluttony, adverse, sloth and envy… he said why should I change… you don’t… you fall for the same sins over and over and over again… I went after man and woman the exact same way I went after Christ… lust of the eyes… is see the tree I want it… lust of the flesh it will taste good… it will make me wise like God… then when the Messiah comes into the world I tempted him the same way… throw yourself down if you want it lust of the eyes you covet it… you will have it… turn them stones to bread… lust of the flesh it will taste good… I will give you all these kingdoms… I go after you the exact same way… does Holy water bother you… yes greatly it disturbs me… are there any other objects that disturb you… yes as a matter of fact a crucifix even though it hasn’t been blessed tells me ultimately what my destiny is… that’s why you need them in your homes and in your rooms and at work… I do not like the relics of the saint because they tell me about all the ones that got away… you know they do anoint those… that bothers me too… even though it’s not blessed it bothers me… but a blessed Item I know… I know what’s been blessed… blessed salt and blessed water cause me great harm… the exorcist one day ran out of water… quote he goes and says get lemonade… he blessed the lemonade… goes into the exorcism he goes and uses the lemonade… then he says what did you think of it… it stung because it’s blessed… but it’s not water… water is pure… it’s clean… it brings about the baptismal rite… it stung but nothing like Holy water… if you had to say what protects people form being attacked… he said simple prayers… especially when you pray to that woman… that St. Michael’s prayer… he comes all the time… he said you know that old man… Padre Pio… he’s a problem too… and for John Paul don’t care for him too… he said the fact of the matter is what’s more important… confession or exorcism… he said confession is worth a hundred exorcisms… you went to confession… I can’t get to you because you went there freely… and on your own… are you legalistic… he said I am… he said I have to follow rules… if I want to possess a person I have to get permission… then I have to get permission where I’m located in the body… and if that’s not bad enough He… dictates how long I will stay… he gives me a date stamp… who are the demons of drugs and marijuana… he said the name we go by is Bacchus… are the Gregorian masses effective in getting our people out of purgatory… he said they’re most effective because they are thirty masses in a row for the same individual… very powerful… I’m glad y’all don’t use them too much… how do you gain entry into a persons life… he said are you asking me who opened the door… he said exactly lucifer how do you get into a persons life… tarot cards… chants… hexes, vexes, triggers, trances, vows and demonic blessings, Ouija boards, movies, wrong people, wrong place, wrong time… when you appear how do you appear to people… he said I can adopt may forms… all are allowed by God… I can come as a dog… I can come as a human… he said I showed up to Padre Pio as Her… he caught me though he made the sign of the cross and I couldn’t respond…. He said I even showed up to Padre Pio as Jesus Christ… he said how did he know it wasn’t you… he said I didn’t have the wounds… he said how else will you come… he said I will come as a moving shadow… I will come as a monster… I will come as a dark colored person… a man… but oh I will come… why do you hate Latin… because it’s the language of your church...
  3. My brothers and sisters in Christ he hate’s you… and the very image of you made in our Savior causes him to spit… your name causes him to turn… because you’ve been named by our savior… he watches you and he’s nothing more then a barking dog… the problem is you stop and entertain him... causing sin to enter the equation… he can do nothing to you but put that thought into your head… remember the most expensive real estate in the world is right here… he can put a thought into your head… you and I can and so can he… you’ve never been seated at mass and a thought enters your head and you said I wasn’t even on that page I wasn’t even going there… who do you think put it there… ask yourself when the thought enters your head… where did it come from… does it cause anxiety and worry… trepidation… or does it bring you peace… my brothers and sisters in Christ he’s after your soul… go to mass… go to confession… receive the sacraments… there’s nothing he can do… if there is ever a time to find your knees in our country and our world it’s right now…
  4. And I leave you with this… the last question to lucifer before the exorcist closed the exorcism… tell me Lucifer before I depart in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and that of his most Holy and Blessed Mother… what is your greatest gift… that you do not believe I exist… see you soon…
  5. Now if that doesn’t get you where you need to be I can’t do anything else to move you… now you want to know why the cellphones went off… because that was what the homily was going to be about… he works as he works… a friend of mine goes into an exorcism… he’s an exorcist… worst job in the world… he wakes up he’s running late… he’s in Rome he’s got to get across town he’s you know this that and the other… it’s a major exorcism… it’s Beelzebub… he get’s there his phone is going off… he can’t get into contact… he’s running late… he’s trying to call them this that and the other… so he get’s there and get’s the exorcism started in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and that of his Holy Mother let us begin Lucifer… Lucifers first words… how’d you like those phone tricks… true story… another true story… priest brings in another priest into an exorcism… he says when lucifer comes out he is going to go upside you one side and downside the other… he is going to go after you… he is going to call out every sin you ever thought, did, might have thought, could have thought, he’s after you… do not respond do not show him anything do not give him any ground… he begins the exorcism in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and that of his Holy Mother Lucifer I would like you to meet so and so… he goes up him one side and down the other… he called out every sin he thought he did… could have did… forgot to go out… he immediately shuts down the exorcism walks his priest friend outside… hears his confession… walks him back in… begins the exorcism yet again… and says Lucifer who is this guy… I don’t know him… he knows you by your sins… one confession is greater than one hundred exorcisms… go to confession…
  6. Amen.

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